Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hope to ban the Arabic word for “slave”

BASRA (Reuters)

Barack Obama's election in the United States has already had an impact in Iraq, inspiring some black Iraqis to run in a forthcoming election in the hope of ending what they call centuries of discrimination."Obama's win gave us moral strength," said Jalal Chijeel, secretary of the Free Iraqi Movement.He said the group would be the first to field black candidates in any Iraqi poll when it joins provincial elections scheduled for Jan. 31He argues Iraqis of African origin are not represented in top office, suffer disproportionately from poverty and illiteracy and are commonly referred to in derisive terms. (More)

My reaction to another post on the same subject:

You see Islam blah! Blah! I am sick and tired of stupidity of my fellow Muslims and pure racist shit. There is racism among Muslims and we cannot use Islam to explain it away. It is all over and you don't have to go to Iraq to see it. Just go to any community anywhere in the world. Why Siraj Wahaj and fellow outsiders start MANNA? Because of RACISM. Pure and simple. Yes, there it is. It is present in everyday Arabic or any language used by Muslims in conversations. Call your mama ABD and ask her how she feels. Would you like to be called abd or Abeed? I don't think so. Muslims have to realize that the tide is changing and Islam will not wait.

Black Iraqis are saying we are hurting and you are trying to say, "no you are just trying to benefit," .... whatever. The Dalits of India are making some progress, but every now and then haters just do what haters do.

Solution: Do what the jews are doing. Reaching out to all the Jews even in Yemen. It is bad, hha ha, but guess what; we can hate the Jews as much as we like, but at the end, we respect "their respect for their own." Black people have a long way, but we have to start reaching out for our own. Muslim, Christian, Jew, Hindu, Animist or whatever. We have to love our own soo much, until the others, just hate us for doing the right thing.

To paraphraze Brother Malcolm Shabazz, "They don't hate us because we ar Babtist, Methodist or Muslim...they hate us because we are BLACK."

Before I forget, can you ask the Imam to speak about the al Akhdam of Yemen and what Islam has to say about it. Tell her not to quote the Quran, but what Muslims can do to clean this racist shit from fake Muslims.

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Saturday, January 10, 2009


Greetings people,

Trying to understand Obama's support for Isreali inhuman behavior and his indifference to the suffering people of Gaza, I googled, and what an English language lesson it was. Obama obsequious? My English language is not limited, but I uncomfortably approached a dictionary hoping it is not negative. My reaction was, Ummm! No, I don't think so and "NO he cannot be obsequious."

Here is what I found out and it made me throw up. After 8 years of the WORST creature in office, I cannot imagine an OBSEQUIOUS PRESIDENT.

Obsequious(əb sē′kwē əs, äb-)

showing too great a willingness to serve or obey; fawning
Archaic compliant; dutiful

Obsequious Synonyms:
docile, submissive, cringing, slavish, sycophantic, deferential, servile, subject, enslaved, subordinate, parasitical, stipendiary, toadyish, toadying, fawning, truckling, groveling, spineless, crouching, cringing, mealy-mouthed, subservient, abject, beggarly, sniveling, prostrate, sneaking, oily, bootlicking*, brown-nosing*, kowtowing*, apple-polishing*, flunkyish*, toad-eating*; see also docile, obedient 1.
Antonyms insulting*, proud*, haughty.

What do you think?
Yes, I am informed, but often selectively choose not to agree with the Obama negatives. When Obama was asked about Isreali massacre of innocent women and children is Gaza, I painfully remembered Obama's statement, "There is only one president," (when it comes to foreign affairs) but he had something to say when India was attacked. "Barack Obama on Friday expressed sorrow for the victims of the attacks on Mumbai ... Rice has called Obama twice to brief him on the series of attacks in Mumbai."

While reading some of the google output reports, a little voice inside me was whispering to Obama:
"Please don't abandon us, please, please don't go to the wrong side. We believe in you and trust our inner instict that we made the right choice. We are with you and don't be afraid of anyone. Please do the right thing. You cannot forget what injustice feels like. Don't let the wrong side convince you to wear a gas mask. Smell it, smell it, it is nothing but the stench of injustice. All we want is justice for all."

A little sad reminder on what politics is all about. We voted for Obama because we thought WE could, or to be more realistic, he could make a difference. "No Obama is still a politician," and frankly I don't know what that means, but it sounds bad.

President Obama has every right to support whoever he wants, but when it comes to justice and fairness I hope he will be very careful in making the right humane choice. His choice will depend on how active we all can be and more on how passionate we want him to be on the right humane side.

I still strongly support Obama, but I cannot afford to just hope and allow my win to be turned to the worst catastrophe. Obama belongs to the people and we have to fight as hard as we can to keep it that way.


I found the word obsequious in this article by Uri Avnery.

Here is how it caught my attention:

After months of a tough and bitter race, a merciless struggle, Barack Obama has defeated his formidable opponent, Hillary Clinton. He has wrought a miracle: for the first time in history a black person has become a credible candidate for the presidency of the most powerful country in the world.

And what was the first thing he did after his astounding victory? He ran to the conference of the Israel lobby, AIPAC, and made a speech that broke all records for obsequiousness and fawning.

That is shocking enough. Even more shocking is the fact that nobody was shocked. MORE

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Finkelstein versus Dershowitz

Havard Law Prof. Dershowitz is humbled
How can Havard keep a fake?

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Kibaki must be held responsible for the bloodshed. ECK has no excuse, they too can be charged for complicity to commit genocide. Those who are looking at the tribal hatred and murder might be naive to try to blame Raila, but the truth is Kibaki number 2, must be stopped by any means necessary. The signs are very clear, "A Tribal Dictatorship." Kenyans had no problem in the last election when Kibaki, a Kikuyu ran against Uhuru, another Kikuyu. It is time for Kikuyus to stand up and smell the chai. Kikuyus are the poorest and the most oppressed. Shoot to Kill has always been used against Kikuyus "Del Monte." The only matatus that must go to the police station for a strip search, are the ones going to Kikuyuland. There are more Kikuyus in prison than any other group. Kikuyus just like they rejected Uhuru and what he stood for, can reject Kibaki for trying to bring back the KANU type dictatorship. Raila and Luos should also be very careful when making statements about the election. Kenyans did not vote for Raila the Luo; Kenyans voted for Raila the ODM nominee.